« Haiti:"Transitional Shelter" NGO Meeting, UN Log Base, May 11 2010 | Main | Haiti: The UN Defines This as Victory »
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Haiti: Shelter Situation, May 10 2010
...According to UN temporary shelter coordinators, overall coverage of 283,000 "households in need," with 1.4 mm people, is 113%. But this counts a HH as "covered" if it has been provided with 1 tent or 2 tarps. Quietly, many NGOs -- for example, the Amer Red Cross -- are scared stiff about the lack of preparation for heavy rains and hurricanes. But the focus of this "cluster" was on "transitional" housing; apparently weather resistant housing is someone else's concern.
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May 11, 2010 at 03:18 PM | Permalink